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Coco De Mer Products
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Easily order Coco de mer Kernel, 海底椰 (hai di ye), with a minimum purchase order
of 1kg.
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What is the Coco De Mer?
The Most Unique Tree In The World!
Scientific Details
Scientific name of the Seychelles Endemic Palm Tree: LODOICEA MALDIVICA. Its fruit and a nut can be half meter long and weight up to 40 kg. The tree itself is 40 meters in height and has a lifespan of 800 years. The plant must grow for 20-40 years to start flowering. The forest of Coco de Mer is protected by UNESCO. It is very sensitive to human influence this is why the collection of the nuts from the wild is strictly monitored by the Seychelles Government.
Unique Elements
There are two genders of Coco de Mer, the one with the typical nut shape is the female the most known for its striking features. The male plant also has a protrusion resembling a male member covered in aromatic yellow flowers.

Sourcing The Coco De Mer
Ethically & Sustainably Sourced
The Coco de Mer nuts which are processed at the Coco de Mer Collection factory all come from wild trees as there are no Coco de Mer Plantations in the world. There are only about 8000 trees, most of which are on endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list.
Our Coco de Mer nuts are ethically and sustainably sourced, allowing them to fall naturally after 6-9 years on the mother trees before they are collected. This allows for maximum absorbtion of all the minerals and nutrients from the virgin jungles of the Seychelles islands.
The nuts are then brought in where the kernel is extracted and dried using natural processes without the use of chemicals. They are then sliced, packed and sold to our clients within a period of 50 days maximum to guarantee an absolutely fresh and genuine product.

About The Kernel
The Coco de Mer Kernel is known throughout the world for it’s healing and aphrodisiac properties. One has just to ingest it to discover it’s incredible abilities as a natural tonic and metabolism booster. Although these claims have not been scientifically reasearched yet, we do know that in the past of the Seychelles the Coco de Mer was used to treat patients from cancer and poisoning. It’s kernel is rich in micronutrients, carbohydrates and contains virtually no fats.
It comes from the biggest and rarest nut in the world, who’s trees take 30-40 years to grow and produce seeds like the world has never seen before.
It’s taste, although bland at first has a back flavour of hazelnut, chestnut and goat’s cheese. The Slices are extremely hard and can not be chewed when they are dry and even when they are fresh as the nuts remaining on the mother tree for so long harden like wood , turning it into “vegetable ivory”.
Whilst it is known in the southern Chinese markets as a medicine and aphrodisiac, the Coco de Mer is gaining worldwide popularity.

Want More?
Coco De Mer Collection is a locally (Seychelles) owned perfume and cosmetics company based out of the same factory and run by the same family.
Here you can purchase our one of a kind perfume range made with the locally sourced Coco De Mer husk.
The husk is filled with an incredible fragrance and with our patented method we have created one of the most unique perfume lines available.
Click the link to learn more and explore our range!
Get to Know Us & What Makes Our Operation Unique
The Coco de Mer collection factory is on the plantation land that once belonged to the colonial plantation house of the Bradley & Bailey family, an anglican family who’s head, John Thomas Bradley was the chief doctor in the capital’s hospital.
The current site is an example of the creole life and culture of the Seychelles, with traditional houses, shops, artisans, plants, animals and food all present in one area.
The distillery was used recently in the 1990s to distill cinnamon leaves.
In the 1920s and before that, it was the site of the old Cinnamon Kiln where they harvested and dried cinnamon for export. 1920s.
It was bought by the owners in the year 2000 where this traditional work carried on, expanding into the processing of the Coco de Mer Kernel.
Our Factory
Come & visit our shop and factory in Domaine de Val des Prés - Craft Village. We offer daily tours & love to share knowledge about this wondrous plant

Au Cap, Mahe Seychelles
+248 259-5547 OR +248 263-7512
info@cocodemercosmetics.com OR Islandscent2004@gmail.com
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